Saturday 25 November 2017

First and second viewings

The first display went up on 17th November.
17 Nov 17
And here is today's.
25 Nov 17

Monday 13 November 2017

Progress III

The frame is now complete.
The next step is to cut the card and snaps to a size and shape that will fit all of the slots.

Sunday 5 November 2017

Progress II

The snaps have arrived from Photobox and concealed (the project is being conducted in secret). They look pretty good.
Two sheets of black mounting card have been bought from HobbyCraft.

The backing (hardboard) has been recut to fill the mirror slot, during which it was noted that one of the long sides is bowed by about 0.5 cm, the other long side less so. This means that each of the slots is a slightly different size and shape. That is unfortunate, but so it goes. The backing will be painted black to de-emphasize any unsightly gaps.

Note to self: in the next batch of snaps, include some flowers - the anemones and christmas cactus spring to mind. And some sunflowers.

And maybe a set of Mondrian homages, so that I can have an exhibition of those sometimes. And who was that chap who photographed trains at great length. I think he had a middle initial "O".

Tuesday 31 October 2017


Buying an A3 printer didn't work out, so the job has gone to Photobox. 20 12x10 prints ordered today.
I have removed the glass from the frame and will cut the backing so that it fits where the glass was.
Tomorrow I plan to buy some black card to use for mounting the snaps.

The subjects approximate to:
1 Floyd album cover
2 Mondrians and a PM assemblage
1 Winifred Nicholson
4 Kevins (the cat)
3 family portraits
2 Green Teds
1 Else Bing
1 Fonssagrives (sp?)
1 greetings card
The Feet, in 2 halves

Thursday 5 October 2017

A big fridge

It occurs to me that this is a large and orderly version of fridge magnets.
Here's our fridge upon which some parallel themes will be noted.

008 my favourite self-portrait

Ilse Bing on another blog here.
Ilse Bing
Autoportrait au Leica, 1931

007 my favourite nude

On another blog here.
Fernand Fonssagrives
Sand Fence, c.1930 

006 a Mondrian

005 a Marlow Moss

If I choose one of the Reliefs, I could refashion in in miniature, just as Florette Dijkstra.

004 a good Hockney

Hockney A Bigger Splash, 1967

This is quite nice too, found on Goggle but the link is broken
Lare Davies
Postcard of David Hockneys A Bigger Splash On My Studio Wall

003 family snap

002 Feet

Size is a problem

Size is a problem.

The spaces are 28x24 (WxH).
A4 is 30x21.
I had envisaged filling the holes - that would definitely be more aesthetically satisfying.

I might buy an A3 printer, especially if HP do an A3 version of the brilliant 5530 - I could use an A3 scanner in any case.

I could have them shop-printed, that's not too expensive but they are sometimes a bit particular about copyright.

I could mount them on 28x24 card, but I would rather fill the spaces.

For now, I will stick to A4 for a proof of concept.

001 Floyd Animals

Found here


This is a personal project, a stash place to put any pictures I come across.
For reasons that it is entirely unnecessary to elaborate, we have a large mirror with a wooden framework in front comprising 6 equally-sized rectangles of 28x24cm (WxH).
It has languished in the spare room for a year-or-so, waiting for a purpose.

I plan to print numerous images in that size, probably 12 to start, and put those in a nearby container, allowing bypassers (i.e. Jan and me, occasionally the firstborn and Amy - that's about it) to alter the display as they choose.

I have just the wall for the job and it currently looks like this.

The wall, 5Oct17

I will develop this project on the sly and set it up one day when Jan is out.
One question is whether to leave the mirror in place.

On this site I will post candidate images as I find them and, when it is up and running, occasional images of the current state.

Initial thoughts for the contents:

1. Floyd animals album cover (following the recent V&A show).
2. Feet - a recent snap from Sardinia (that will have to spread over two slots).
3. The family snap which brought this project into focus this morning.
4. A good Hockney.
5. A Marlow Moss.
6. A Mondrian.
7. My favourite nude.
8. My favourite self portrait.

First and second viewings

The first display went up on 17th November. 17 Nov 17 And here is today's. 25 Nov 17